GitHub Introduction

Github is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It offers the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git. It is a website and cloud-based service that allows developers to store and manage their code, as well as track changes to their code, and it also allows you to host public accessible static web-pages.

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Features of GitHub

  • Collaborative Coding
  • Automation and CI/CD
  • Security
  • Client Apps
  • Project Management
  • Team Administration
  • Community


  1. Login your Github account
  2. Start a project and create a Repository(example: EP1000)
  3. In the Repository, find setting then Github pages, change source, from none to master branch
  4. Upload, drag and drop your web page written in HTML (example: index.html OR mypage.html)

Now you should have your website and everyone can see, just enter https://(name) name)/ , you should able to see own design web page.